
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 3:54pm

Commander Emily Knight

Name Emily Knight

Position Director of Medical Pod Operations

Rank Commander

Character Information

Age 43
Gender Female
Species Human


Father Patrick Nixon
Mother Imelda Nixon
Sibling(s) Peter Nixon
Spouse Peter Knight
Child(ren) None


Height 5ft 6”
Weight 120lbs


Personality Overview Emily is a conscientious go getter who decided at a young age to take up medicine with the intention of helping those most in need. As a result she pursued a career in Starfleet Medical and was seconded to the Federation’s Red Star.


Service Record 2352 - 2356: Starfleet Academy
2356 - 2358: USS Belfast (Medical Officer)
2358 - 2360: USS Dublin (Assistant Chief Medical Officer)
2360 - 2373: Medical Support Directorate, Federation Red Star

2373 - 2375: USS Venture (Chief Medical Officer)
2375 - Present: Deputy Director, Cardassian Relief Mission #3