Commander Emily Knight
Name Emily Knight
Position Director of Medical Pod Operations
Rank Commander
Character Information
Age | 43 | |
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human |
Father | Patrick Nixon | |
Mother | Imelda Nixon | |
Sibling(s) | Peter Nixon | |
Spouse | Peter Knight | |
Child(ren) | None |
Height | 5ft 6” | |
Weight | 120lbs |
Personality Overview | Emily is a conscientious go getter who decided at a young age to take up medicine with the intention of helping those most in need. As a result she pursued a career in Starfleet Medical and was seconded to the Federation’s Red Star. |
Service Record | 2352 - 2356: Starfleet Academy 2356 - 2358: USS Belfast (Medical Officer) 2358 - 2360: USS Dublin (Assistant Chief Medical Officer) 2360 - 2373: Medical Support Directorate, Federation Red Star 2373 - 2375: USS Venture (Chief Medical Officer) 2375 - Present: Deputy Director, Cardassian Relief Mission #3 |