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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:52pm

Lieutenant Amelia Fox

Name Amelia Fox

Position U.S.S. Britannic Chief Flight Control/Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Age 44
Gender Female
Species Human


Father Richard Fox
Mother Sarah Fox
Sibling(s) Brothers Robert Fox (36), Joseph Fox (32).
Spouse Syvar
Child(ren) Aethra, daughter of her husband Syvar, born early 2397
Ahara, daughter with her husband Syvar, born 2397


Height 5'5''
Weight 55Kgs
Physical Description Amelia is tall and slender with an athletic build. She has green eyes and dark brown hair. She has freckles. Measurement 36-23-32.


Personality Overview Amelia, being the youngest of three became a fighter to compete with her brothers. Not only physically but mentally. She always presents her point of view well but also respects the chain of command. She also learned how to bluff and enjoys a good game of poker. At Starfleet Academy she excelled in unarmed combat but she also studied the works of Sun Tzu learning to appreciate when to fight and when not to fight. She hopes to have a command of her own one day.


Personal History While her older brothers stayed as civilians, Amelia joined Starfleet to set herself apart from them. At the academy she gained a reputation as a fighter, representing the Academy martial arts team and winning several tournaments. She also got into trouble on occasion for getting into fights with older students. Some of these fights she won, others she lost which taught her some humility. She studied advanced tactics, learning the works of Sun Tzu which she quotes frequently. Upon leaving the academy she joined the USS Missouri as one of her security officers. The Captain saw potential in her and she worked up the ranks to become the chief of security. She transferred to the USS Kennedy as the operations officer when the Dominion War broke out. She was one of a handful of survivors to escape when the ship was destroyed at the battle of Chintoka. She also saved the lift of the ship's XO for which she received the Christopher Pike Medal of Honour. However, this caused her to have nightmares and she received counseling. She was assigned to the newly opened Starbase 308 as an operations office. She was then promoted to executive officer for the newly commissioned USS Andromeda

Amelia has established herself as the first officer of the Andromeda while the ship has been on some very interesting missions dealing with the Cetea, a rebel group of So'Na who refuse to accept the treaty with the Federation. She also had an encounter with her counterpart from the mirror universe which, while not a pleasant experience led her to her falling in love and marrying Syvar.

Now, something strange has happened to her and her family...
Service Record USS Missouri – Security, promoted to Chief of Security
USS Kennedy - Operations officer
Starbase 308 - Operations officer
USS Andromeda - Executive Officer
USS Brittanic - Assistant Chief Flight Officer