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Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 10:29am

Lieutenant Kod'ar

Name Kod'ar

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 100

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 2”
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Kod’ar physically looks like a middle aged human male with pointed ears and a tight hair cut. He carried a trim toned body typical for Vulcan males. His skin has a slight green tint.


Spouse T’Min
Children Son: Tuvan
Daughter: T’Pring
Father Sadek
Mother Laris

Personality & Traits

Service Record 2293 - 2298: Starfleet Academy
2295: Cadet Cruise: Navigation Officer, USS Enterprise 1701-B,
2305 - 2315: Helmsman / Assistant Flight Controller: USS Andromeda
2315 - 2330: Strategic Operations Officer, Starbase Vanguard
2330 - 2339: TFXO, Border Operations Azure Sector
2339 - 2350: TFCO, Border Operations Hobus Sector
2350 - 2369: Starfleet Intelligence
2369 - 2373: Gamma Quadrant Intelligence Anslysis
2373 - 2375: Covert Operations, SFI
2375 - Present: Chief Flight Controller, USS Britannic