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Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 10:29am

Lieutenant Kod'ar

Name Kod'ar

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Age 100
Gender Male
Species Vulcan


Father Sadek
Mother Laris
Spouse T’Min
Child(ren) Son: Tuvan
Daughter: T’Pring


Height 6ft 2”
Weight 140lbs
Physical Description Kod’ar physically looks like a middle aged human male with pointed ears and a tight hair cut. He carried a trim toned body typical for Vulcan males. His skin has a slight green tint.



Service Record 2293 - 2298: Starfleet Academy
2295: Cadet Cruise: Navigation Officer, USS Enterprise 1701-B,
2305 - 2315: Helmsman / Assistant Flight Controller: USS Andromeda
2315 - 2330: Strategic Operations Officer, Starbase Vanguard
2330 - 2339: TFXO, Border Operations Azure Sector
2339 - 2350: TFCO, Border Operations Hobus Sector
2350 - 2369: Starfleet Intelligence
2369 - 2373: Gamma Quadrant Intelligence Anslysis
2373 - 2375: Covert Operations, SFI
2375 - Present: Chief Flight Controller, USS Britannic