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Sat May 13th, 2023 @ 6:40am

Commander Destiny Ware

Name Destiny Ware

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Age 55
Gender Female
Species Human


Father Leyton Ware
Mother Tekla Markusson
Spouse (see below)
Other Rupert (husband, divorced), Hjalmar (husband, divorced), Chandler (husband, divorced), Sarah (wife, divorced), Callum (husband, divorced, deceased)


Height 5' 6"
Weight 130 lbs
Physical Description Destiny is an attractive woman with thick shoulder length hair often worn in a bun or braids. Her expressions often range from thoughtful introspection to acerbic amusement and she has a habit of staring at things and people as if she were dissecting them with her eyes alone. Destiny is at all times impeccably dressed, and dressed properly for every occasion.


Personality Overview Destiny is one who keeps others at a distance. The product of parents who had little time for her, she seemed to learn all the wrong lessons growing up regarding forming close, lasting bonds. Every marriage has ended in disaster and it is only now that she is finally(!) figuring out that maybe, just maybe, the fault lies in her and not her former spouses.
Destiny is a workaholic, driven to perfection and expects no less in her subordinates. While she is not a very good socializer she is well acquainted with the mores and customs and can fake it through the most boring social function.
Despite her inability to form close social bonds by some miracle there are a handful of people who are willing to call Destiny their friend…just not too loudly.
Destiny has upon more than one occasion been called out on her sometimes questionable ethical outlook regarding medicine. While she would never knowingly violate her Hippocratic Oath or participate or conduct inhumane medical experiments, the thought of benefiting from the results of such experiments has crossed her mind.


Personal History The product of a tryst between a Marine Archeologist and an opera diva, Destiny found herself attempting to live up to her name. From a young age she felt almost obligated to take on seemingly impossible tasks for someone her young age. At first it was in an attempt to garner her indifferent parents’ attention, then seemingly to spite them. She ultimately chose Starfleet as a means to advance her medical career because it would get her as far away from her parents as physically possible…not that they seemed to care.

Destiny excelled in her studies and upon graduation from Starfleet Medical her career moved right along. She checked off boxes as achieved accolades for her medical accomplishments even as she learned how to play the political games within Starfleet to advance her career. Along the way she engaged in numerous failed sexual and romantic relationships culminating in a series of unhappy marriages as she found herself incapable of providing what emotional need her partners required. It seemed she had inherited whatever it was that caused her parents to be whom they were. After her last disastrous marriage and sensing a slow but steadily increasing inertia in her career Destiny quit Starfleet for a position at Li Shizhen Hospital on Mars. She quickly rose to prominence but after Starfleet it felt more like being a large fish in a shrinking pond. Then the Dominion War broke out and Destiny received the news her former husband Callum had died as a result. His death unexpectedly hit hard and she discovered her feelings for him had run far, far deeper than she had wanted to admit, and one of the reasons she had left Starfleet had been the wreckage of their marriage. She soon abandoned her position at the hospital and signed up with Starfleet once more, regardless of any professional fallout.

By the end of the Dominion War Destiny found herself unsure of what to do next. Politics was an unsatisfying game, that left simply…being a good doctor. And to her surprise perhaps that was more than enough…
Service Record 2335-2338 Starfleet Academy
2339-2342 Starfleet Medical School, ensign then later lt. jg
2343-2344 lt. jg, Resident, Olympus Medical research center on Mars
2345-2350 lt, USS Abdiel, Medical Officer
23451-2356 lt. Commander, USS Haydon, Chief Medical Officer
2357-2360 lt. Commander, USS Araxes, Chief Medical Officer
2361-2365 Commander, USS Roedean, Chief Medical Officer
2366-2372 Resigns Starfleet Commission, Chief resident at Li Shizhen Hospital
2373-2375 Commander, Medical Officer in various triage facilities
2375 Chief Medical Officer, USS Britannic