USS Britannic Overview
Created by Captain Qa'ada MD on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 1:34am
U.S.S. Britannic
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Affiliation: | Federation Starfleet Division 14 |
Service Period: | 2374 - Current |
Length: | 442.23 meters |
Width: | 318.11 meters |
Height: | 108.33 meters |
Mass: | 3,300,000 metric tons |
Decks: | 30 |
Crew: | 750 officers and crew 130 visiting personnel 9,800 personal evacuation limit |
Speed: | Warp 9.6 |
Armament: | Phaser Arrays Probe Launcher |
Defenses: | Deflector Shield |
Auxiliary craft: | Danube Class Runabout Starfleet Shuttlecraft |
General Overview
With peace reigning between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire having left galactic politics, Starfleet Command ordered large scale exploration of the galaxy. Many vessels were ordered through this project, including the Galaxy Class, but Starfleet quickly realized that their new flagship class would be a resource intensive platform. Knowing that they needed a more modest exploratory vessel to supplement their forces, Starfleet ordered the Advanced Starship Design Bureau to begin work on another vessel that would incorporate the same advanced components, systems, and design features in a more cost-effective manner.Assigned to Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems at the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards near Vulcan, the Nebula Class was designed to perform various scientific and exploratory roles along with patrol and transport duties throughout Federation territory and beyond. Members of the class would be outfitted with an extensive array of multi-purpose weaponry and new technologies. Highly modular through the inclusion of a configurable mission pod, Nebula Class ships were intended to replace the Miranda Class as a workhorse class throughout the Federation; however, the emergence of the Borg threat and the Dominion War would delay this process. Despite this, the Nebula Class would become the most numerous of the large-scale explorers of the late 24th Century.
Work on the Nightengale Subtype of the Nebula class would begin in early 2373 following the Klingons invasion of Federation territory. The Federation's defenses were inadequate against the Klingons, and Starfleet faced heavy losses. Partnering with Starfleet Medical, Starfleet Command directed the Advanced Starship Design Bureau to begin work on a new vessel capable of defending the Federation and rescuing any injured concurrently. Initial work focused on building a new class of vessel known as the Osler Class; however, Starfleet Command viewed that this process would take too long and instead ordered a focus on refitting an existing starship design. Vulcan's 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards were selected, along with Yoyodyne Propulsion, to construct four vessels under Project Nightengale.
While work proceeded quickly at the Vulcan Shipyards, Starfleet Command was forced to rethink their operations with the outbreak of the Dominion War. While three vessels were nearing completion (Nightengale, Comfort, and Mercy), efforts to construct the fourth hull were met with multiple delays. As fighting intensified and reached Vulcan itself, Starfleet Command ordered that the Britannic be launched without its Hospital Pod and would later fit the craft with a Tactical Pod instead. Nonetheless, due to the success of the three craft during the Dominion War, Starfleet ordered that the Britannic be converted to Nightengale specifications following the completion of the War in 2375.
Mission Profiles
While the typical Nebula Class vessel is designed to undertake almost any mission profile, the Nightengale Subtype of the Nebula Class has been constructed with three primary mission protocols:- Colony Support - The Britannic has been specially equipped to assist colonies in all stages of development. Among the responsibilities that the Britannic can undertake include providing cargo transfer, conducting scientific support, and can provide medical assistance to colony worlds.
- Crisis and Emergency Response - Members of the Nightengale subtype of the Nebula Class are capable of responding quickly to a crisis, no matter what it may be. By design the Britannic can deploy large quantities of personnel or cargo to a disaster zone, or evacuate large populations from the region.
- Scientific and Survey Operations - Like its sister ships, the Britannic has a high capacity to undertake scientific endeavors and has been specially equipped for these types of missions.
Following several expeditions by Alpha Quadrant powers into the Gamma Quadrant, first contact was made between the Federation and the Dominion when the Jem'Hadar destroyed the Starfleet vessel USS Odyssey in 2370. A state of cold war rapidly developed, with a Dominion invasion viewed as inevitable, and the Dominion began to infiltrate the Alpha Quadrant to destabilize the political landscape between the major powers. By manipulating the Klingon Empire and planting false information that the Cardassian change of government had been engineered by the Founders, the Dominion was able to trigger war between the Klingons and Cardassians. The Federation intervened, leading to the deterioration of relations between the Federation and Klingons. Ultimately, the Klingon Empire reasserted their claim to the Archanis sector, demanding that the Federation leave the sector immediately.In early 2373, the Klingons invaded Federation space along a broad front, committing all available resources to their invasion. The Federation's defenses were inadequate against the Klingons, and Starfleet was only able to slow their advance. Facing growing losses in both personnel and starships, Starfleet Command looked at options to improve their ability to defend not only Federation territory, but also their crews as the Klingons were targeting any vessels of opportunity, including hospital vessels. Partnering with Starfleet Medical, Starfleet Command directed the Advanced Starship Design Bureau to begin work on a new vessel capable of defending the Federation and rescuing any injured concurrently.
After a series of design briefings, the team's initial efforts focused upon a new class of vessels that were inspired by the Hiawatha Class of the 23rd Century. While studies suggested the proposed design would serve well in a medical role, the tactical capabilities were considered too limited to be effective in a potential war zone. Ordering the Advanced Starship Design Bureau and the Corps of Engineers back to the drawing board, work began to focus on the redesign of an existing starship design to support this growing need. In time, the configurable nature of the Nebula Class attracted the interest of the ASDB. It was agreed that a new mission pod would be designed and constructed at Vulcan's 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards with work to commence immediately on Project Nightengale with four vessels planned.
Construction and Launch
Work began on construction of the future Britannic at Vulcan's 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards within the gantry slip previously occupied by the Nebula Class USS Hubble. By reusing Hubble's drydock the shipyard saved precious time and resources, knocking an estimated third of the time required to build the vessel off of the construction timeline. Work on the vessel occurred relatively without incident for much of the construction time, until the relations between the Federation and Klingons degraded to all-out war in 2373. Immediately, all shipyards gave priority to building smaller, less resource intensive ships as they were easier to produce and operate, which extended the construction timeline for the under-construction vessel. The situation was further complicated when the starship was heavily damaged by a plasma fire while in the final stages of construction. The flames spread quickly throughout the vessel, requiring the vessel to have its atmosphere vented into space to extinguish the fires, but at the expense of 12 shipyard workers who were killed in the incident. This further delayed the commissioning date of the starship. The delay led Starfleet Command to reassign the under-development hull to Project Nightengale and given the name Britannic in honor of the HMHS Britannic from Earth's 20th Century.With several months left for construction, the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion. Initially, Starfleet Command opted to maintain Project Nightengale and resources continued to be distributed to construction of the Britannic. This would, however, change when the Federation entered into war with the Dominion in 2373 and Starfleet's forces were decimated in the Battle of Tyra. This was further complicated when Dominion forces began devastating incursions into Federation territory, reaching as far as Vulcan. During one such engagement, Starfleet was forced to launch all nearly complete vessels from the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards to defend the system from the Dominion. The Britannic was one such vessel.
Service History
Incomplete at the time of its commissioning, the Britannic was launched with no fanfare and immediately dispatched to assist the Fifth Fleet in combat against the Dominion. Placed under the temporary command of Yard Supervisor T'Mair, the Britannic was crewed by a team of Yard Engineers during its first encounter with the Dominion and was forced to combat the enemy with heavy automation employed. Further, while the vessel was considered tactically capable, the vessel was launched without its customary mission pod, limiting the tactical abilities of the craft to its dedicated weapon systems. Despite these handicaps, the Britannic was a capable combatant and was instrumental in defending the Vulcan system. Returned to Drydock, Starfleet chose to temporarily terminate the Britannic's participation in Project Nightengale and the ship was given a traditional tactical pod. The Britannic would soon be assigned to the Fifth Fleet permanently and placed under the command of Captain Lukas Fredricks.The Britannic was temporarily pulled from fighting on the Vulcan front and transferred to Starbase 375 to assist in Operation Return, a combined counter-offensive of Starfleet and Klingon Defense Force fleets against Jem'Hadar and Cardassian military forces in the Bajoran sector to recapture Deep Space 9 and re-establishing control over the Bajoran Wormhole. Assigned to the final wave of vessels, the Britannic primarily engaged Cardassian forces and was responsible for the destruction of three Galor Class Destroyers without assistance. The Britannic was part of the forces that broke through the Dominion line and traveled alongside the Cortez to Deep Space 9. The Britannic observed Dominion forces evacuating from DS9, but did not engage under the orders of Captain Benjamin Sisko. Britannic would return to Vulcan to assist with the Fifth Fleet's efforts against the Dominion along the Vulcan Front.
After being a successful participant in the Second Battle of Vulcanis, the Britannic was transferred to the Seventh Fleet and selected to participate in the Invasion of Chin'toka. Chosen because the Dominion had drastically weakened the complement of warships defending the system, the Alpha Quadrant Alliance quickly overwhelmed the Dominion Forces within the system, but the Dominion was able to bring the orbital weapon platforms on-line before the allied fleet had a chance to destroy too many of them. Several starships were disabled or destroyed by the platforms' furious barrage; however, the Britannic proved instrumental in the attack and was able to defend itself long enough for the Defiant and its support vessels to disable the platforms' power generator. Britannic and its support wing were able to destroy multiple platforms while the Klingons landed ground troops to capture the planetary system.
Britannic was assigned to the Chin'toka System in early 2375 to serve as a mission support vessel in the Chin'toka System and was assigned to patrol the system alongside the rest of a specialized Starfleet Task Group. Although the planned attack against Cardassia itself was not realized, owing to heavy losses taking Chin'toka, the successful invasion was a tremendous boost to Allied morale. The Allied hold on Chin'toka was tenuous at best; the system remained under almost constant attack, making it extremely difficult to reinforce the garrisoned forces. During one such engagement, the Britannic was heavily damaged and required repairs at Starbase 375. This proved fortuitous for the Britannic as it was in drydock during the Breen Raid Upon San Francisco and the subsequent Second Battle of Chin'toka, where the Federation Alliance lost all of its forces to the combined Breen, Cardassian, and Dominion Fleet due to energy dampening weapons provided by the Breen.The Federation Alliance was able to develop a countermeasure to the Breen energy dissipater, leading the Dominion-Breen forces to withdraw to Cardassian space. The Allies chose to launch all available ships against Cardassia Prime and the Britannic was assigned to the invasion. The Allied fleet entered Dominion space and engaged the Dominion-Breen forces in battle, with Britannic assigned to the front-line of the engagement. Britannic was able to defeat several Breen and Dominion vessels in the conflict, but took heavy damage. Britannic was only saved through the intervention of the Cardassian Keldon Class warship Shyllira, which it failed to destroy during the Second Battle of Vulcanis. Britannic did not travel with the rest of the allied fleet to Cardassia and was instead ordered to fall back for repairs and to rescue survivors from the battle.
Following the war, the true devastation had been revealed. The Cardassian Union had collapsed completely, and Cardassia Prime was left in total disarray with over eight hundred million civilians having been killed, seven million troops lost during the fighting, and leading figures in both Cardassia's official and underground governments having been executed. To assist in recovery efforts, Starfleet assigned the Britannic to the Andak Project to assist in the reclamation of Cardassia under the continued command of Captain Fredricks. To aid in this assignment, Britannic returned to the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards to be fitted with the Hospital Pod originally developed for the vessel as part of Project Nightengale and underwent retrofitting to meet standards implemented for medical vessels under the Treaty of Bajor.
Current Assignment
Shortly after having been assigned to the Andak Project, the Britannic was reassigned to Starfleet Medical's Division 14 as one of its hospital ships.
Technical Specifications
Physical Arrangement
The Nebula Class was developed alongside of the larger Galaxy Class and shares a similar design lineage with its cousing, notably its primary and secondary hulls and warp nacelles. The Nebula Class incorporates two hull sections, including a saucer-shaped primary hull that was directly mounted atop the secondary hull with two warp nacelles mounted directly below the primary hull on either side of the stardrive section. Earlier designs of the Nebula Class featured a more specialized secondary hull; however, later designs - like that of the Britannic - were reconfigured to more closely match the components of the Galaxy Class engineering hull. Along with this redesign the Britannic is capable of separating its saucer section.In addition to its compact profile, the Nebula Class includes a large superstructure built within the stardrive section that has been designed to support a variety of mission modules. The Britannic and her sisters have been equipped with an oval shaped platform that incorporates a full hospital complex capable of treating over 1,000 patients per day. While the mission pod was intended to be modular and easily replaced, the hospital pod is more closely integrated within the design and not easily swapped out by a starbase.
Command and Control Systems
The computer system on board the Nebula Class were isolinear based and concentrated in the vessel's three computer cores; two located in the saucer section and one in the engineering section.
Medical Systems
In addition to the standard Sickbay complex associated with the Nebula Class, the members of the Nightengale subtype have been outfitted with a specially designed hospital pod able to provide emergency, on-site medical care and support in disaster relief and humanitarian operations.Each hospital pod contains twelve fully equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed hospital facility, medical laboratories, medication storage, therapy, and specialized equipment. The equivalent of a Starbase's medical center or large planetary hospital, treatment aboard the Britannic reduces the mortality risk by 25% compared to other vessels. This is due to the Britannic having a full range of specialists and equipment available to patients at all times due to its role as a hospital ship. Each member of the Nightengale subtype also maintains a full research program and is a leader in trauma education and injury prevention.
Propulsion Systems
The propulsion systems for the Nebula Class were designed by Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems and incorporate the same Warp Core design as the Galaxy Class, generating approximately 12.75 billion gigawatts of power for shipboard systems and travel. Faster than light travel was provided by twin warp nacelles, which housed multiple pairs of warp coils, and could propel the ship at speeds up to Warp 9.6. Deuterium Fuel Tanks were located above the core, while antimatter storage pods surrounded the base of the core.The Nebula Class incorporates three Impulse Drives, two on the saucer section and one in the stardrive section; however, unlike most vessels, the Impulse engines were hidden behind baffles to scatter their signature for stealth reasons. Due to these stealth settings, the Britannic's engines operated with an intermix ratio above ninety percent in order to successfully leave orbit of a planet. Fine maneuvering of the vessel was provided by Reaction Control Thrusters located a key locations along the vessel's hull.
Scientific Systems
The Britannic supports a wide variety of scientific equipment and laboratories, with health and life sciences dominating other disciplines. In place of the Captain's Yacht, a specialized Laboratory Pod has been installed that can be isolated from the rest of the Britannic at a moment's notice and ejected from the craft if necessary. Sensor systems could be customized and upgraded as necessary for a specific mission and the Britannic included a high-energy sensor sweep that would cycle every 5.5 minutes. Between each of those cycles, a "window" of a fiftieth of a second would open, requiring the ship's shields to be realigned if they were active during a scan cycle.In support of its mission, Britannic has been equipped with a variety of probes and scientific devices that could be launched from the forward torpedo launcher. The vessel includes basic scanner probes and reconnaissance probes, class-A probes and probes from class-1 to class-5. A number of space buoys - including basic stationary beacons, warning buoys and emergency buoys - were also among the vessel's complement.
Tactical Systems
While the Britannic and its sister ships in the Nightengale subtype of the Nebula Class maintained a maximum effective weapons range slightly below 300,000 kilometers, interstellar treaty required that the Britannic be outfitted with defensive weapons only. To accommodate this mandate, the Phasers aboard the Britannic have been hardwired for low intensity mode. As low intensity weapons, these weapons use less energy and do not generally damage the hull of a target, making them more effective at disabling an opponent. Phasers were installed on the forward dorsal and ventral of the primary hull, and on the secondary hull below the deflector dish.As a medical vessel, the Britannic is not permitted to support offensive weaponry; however, Starfleet Command did authorize the installation of a Probe Launcher in the ship. Located above the Main Deflector Dish, the Probe Launcher is based upon the second-generation torpedo launcher created by Starfleet in the mid-23rd Century. By design, the Probe Launcher is capable of launching a probe every five seconds, has lower maintenance requirements than other models, and is less prone to overheating with prolonged use. The Britannic's crew have supplemented their defensive capabilities by converting several probes into makeshift Photon Torpedoes for use in an emergency. While capable, these makeshift weapons have limitations when compared to the real thing as they have less destructive potential, may only be fired in a narrow arc, and have a poor chance to actually hit their target.
While the Nebula Class is normally fitted with a standard defensive shield grid, the Corps of Engineers was able to create a specialized regenerative shield grid for the Britannic and its sisters. Based upon the designs utilized by the Prometheus and Sovereign Class, Regenerative Shielding is a force field system that protect against enemy attacks or natural hazards by absorbing energy expended into the shield during the attack to reinforce the field. Through the Regenerative Shield the Britannic is able to remain in a dangerous situation for a longer period than its contemporaries.
Transport and Cargo
Nebula Class vessels are equipped with a variety of auxiliary craft from standard personnel shuttles to larger runabouts. Auxiliary craft were housed in one of two shuttlebays, with the main shuttlebay was located on Deck 4 in the saucer section and shuttlebay two located in the superstructure attached to the engineering hull. Numerous multi-level cargo bays were located throughout the ship, with each having sufficient room for storage, cargo transporters, and anti-grav units for the transportation of cargo. The Britannic also supports 16 Transporter Rooms located, primarily, in the saucer module with supplemental units in the stardrive.Categories: No categories found