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Engineering Inspection

Posted on Tue May 9th, 2023 @ 8:05pm by Captain Lukas Fredricks & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD2 - 0830 Hours

Now that Captain Fredricks has decided to stay at his post on board Britannic, he felt the need to be seen by the crew. He made it a point to go where he could be seen. He'd heard the rumours circulating around the crew about him being absent from his duties and that was something he wanted to change.

After hearing the ships new Chief Engineer had arrived, he made his way to Main Engineering to meet them and see how the final repairs were coming along.

The large double doors to main engineering opened to reveal and engine room full of life. Crew members going about their business getting the ship ready to depart.

Like Lukas, Lieutenant Hawkins was assembling her own team. She'd brought colleagues from Arundel. Faith knew they'd make a difference. Britannic was a big, huge step up from Arundel. Arundel was small, antiquated. Obsolete. Britannic was the opposite of all of those.

Faith had carried on where she'd left off. Leading repair efforts. There was a lot to do, but not much time. She'd held off ordering double shifts. For now. Faith had more staff on the way. Their arrival would speed things up. Hopefully.

"Captain Fredricks." said Faith. She'd seen Britannic's commander enter her domain in her peripheral vision.

She offered Lukas a handshake. "Lieutenant Hawkins, Chief Engineer."

Lukas smiled as he took the engineers hand and gave it a soft but firm shake. "A pleasure to meet you, Lieutenant. I hope you don't mind me dropping by, i was out for a walk and my feet brought me here."

"And you, Captain." replied Faith. She hadn't asked others what Lukas was like prior to her transfer to Britannic. She wanted to find out for herself. Faith's initial thoughts were so far, so good.

She appreciated Lukas making the effort to visit her domain. Particularly as she, her team were busy with repairs.

"You've actually come at a good time. We're nearly ready to bring the warp engines online."

"Excellent. Britannic took a beating in her last mission. Couldn't even get back to space dock under her own power." Fredricks explained. "I don't think she even took that much of a beating during the war."

Faith nodded, listening. She knew the definition took a beating well. At least Britannic had a steady supply of parts to fix her up. Arundel didn't. They had to make do. "I've repaired worse, Captain. I don't know how an old Miranda class could take so much. We had to cannibalise ancillary systems once we ran out of spare parts." she replied.

Fredricks raised his eyebrows in surprise for a moment then realized the Miranda class vessels, although dwindling in numbers now, did struggle for parts especially during the war. "The Miranda class has done very well for her age but modern building techniques just don't match her older design."

"Well." began Faith. Older ships were built to last, she thought. But they didn't have the modernity. She examined the bulkhead next to her. "As an engineer, it's hard to disagree. Old ships were built to last. The technology let down some brilliant designs. The latest ships are obviously more advanced, but feel less robust. I guess that's what happens when you need to replace war losses quickly."

Faith walked over to the control panel in front of the warp core. The tall, blue cylinder was towering. Looking into it was mesmerising. Like a lava lamp, Faith thought.

"Looks like we're ready, Captain. Would you like to do the honours?"

"I couldn't agree more, Lieutenant. Ships seem to be made cheaper so easier to replace and repair. I do hope we return to the older ways in the future." He replied as he watch the Lieutenant walk towards the warp core. He raised his hand and shook his head. "No thank you, that honour is yours."

"If only there was a way to make the good stuff fit into the old hulls." thought Faith, aloud. As Lukas declined her offer, she stepped up to the console. "Diagnostics haven't found we go." she said. Fingers crossed. She'd ran every diagnostic in the book. Twice. All good.

"Computer, bring the warp engines online."

"The warp engines are now online."

"Well, that's one more thing we can cross off the list." said Faith.

The gentle hum from the warp core made Lukas smile. He'd missed the ships heart gently pulsating while they were in spacedock. "Looks and sounds good, Lieutenant. Will we be ready to leave spacedock within the week?"

"Nothing like the hum and thrum of a warp core, Captain." said Faith, looking up at the core. She found it reassuring. If the main computer was a ship's brain, the core was the beating heart. The heart Faith, her team had to keep beating. "We'll be ready to go in a few days. Less if the reinforcements can come in and hit the ground running. Especially as we're in that awkward final 5% taking 95% of the time stage."

"I hear you there, Lieutenant. If you have any problems or need anything to help you please contact myself or Commander Mercy." Fredricks said as he glanced at the warp core. "I've taken enough of your time. Its been a pleasure meeting and talking with you. Seems like Engineering is in safe hands."

The fact Lukas had made an effort to visit engineering meant a lot to Faith. Her CO on Arundel considered it too dangerous. Apparently. Such visits were delegated to the XO. "Likewise, Captain. I do my best and the team here know I expect the same from them." she paused. "There's plenty of newbies from the Academy, but a good bunch of old hands too. Looks like we've got a good team here."

"I'm sure you'll have them working well together in no time." Lukas smiled. "Carry on, Lieutenant." He said with a reassuring nod. Before he slowly turned and meandered out of Main Engineering.

Faith nodded. She watched Lukas leave. The confidence Lukas had in her was appreciated, reassuring. She'd only been out of the Academy for three years. Now, she was the Chief Engineer on a Nebula class.

"Well done, team." she said, voice raised. "Now, let's have Britannic ready to fly out of here in two days' time..."


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