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Liberty Biberty

Posted on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 7:38pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa)
Edited on on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 11:08pm

672 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Transporter Room / Corridor
Timeline: MD1

“You didn’t have to come with me.” Toareth said as she and Lynch finished materializing in the transporter room. She had a two year old girl in her arms.

“And watch you and the little one just dematerialize before my eyes? No. I wanted to see you off. You know, something of a surprise.”

“Dada come too?” asked the little one.

“No, no. He can’t come with us.” Toareth wanted to correct her child but refrained from doing so in front of the transporter chief.

Lynch arrived at the terminal the transporter personnel stood behind. Toareth did the same.

The warrant officer behind the station refocused his attention from the computer to the two before him. “I see a Mister and Miss Darqa…and…with child.” He looked between the two.

“Yes,” Lynch spoke up. “Each time my little girl heads off into the unknown, I have to be there to give her that little final push. That and see my grandchild off.”

The warrant officer looked to Toareth.

“Yes,” she said finally, flatly. “Dad has to make a spectacle of it.” She faked a smile.

“Well, I wish you both luck. Look at your PADD ma’am and you will see your billets.

“A thousand thanks,” Lynch said and started away after shouldering one of her duffels. “Come along Sweetums.”

“Uhg,” Toareth let out a clearly audible and displeasing sound.

“Parents,” said the warrant officer.

“You haven’t the slightest idea,” she said. She moved her child to the other arm and shouldered her other duffel and started after Lynch.

He had stopped in the middle of the corridor outside and looked around until she caught up to him.

“You do realize I am old enough to be your great-grandmother right?” she said.

“But you appear as though you could be my daughter. Oh, it has been a while since I’ve been on a ship. It’s this way I think.”

“Dada come too?”

“No. He can’t come with us. And he’s not your dada. You can call him doodoo. Say doodoo.”

“Doo doo.”

“You should have told me what the mission was,” Toareth said as she caught up to Lynch.

“Oh come one, Toar. Live a little,” he shrugged, “You are always wanting all the information up front.”

“Kind of helps when you are saving lives.”

“But you are not saving lives at the moment. So enjoy a little surprise here and there. I figured you would jump at the chance for some time away from our work.”

“Some time away from you, yeah.” Toareth only stared at Lynch. She was certainly not jumping. “You do realize there is a log of your arrival. As my father no less.”

“Oh that record will auto delete in a day or two. Replaced with you two arriving alone.”

Toareth sighed and took in her surroundings. One quick survey was all that was needed. “Just when I think I understand you, Lynch, I realize I understand you less and less.”

“Nature of the job. Oh!”

Toareth almost took a defensive posture as he rushed upon her and squeezed her in an embrace.

“I am going to miss my little sweetums so much,” he said as some personnel stepped by. Lynch then whispered into her ear. “Remember, no talk of Romulan spies on Earth or of me or what do you for me. In fact, forget about me entirely.”

“Believe me, I’m trying,” was all she said.

He released his embrace and held her at arm’s length looking at her. She only gave him a stare as though wanting to end his life right then and there.

“Do good work, find out what you can, report back to me anything of interest. You have the liberty to work as you see fit. Just keep that nose of yours clean.”

“Liberty,” she replied. “Right.”

Toareth dropped her duffle, switched which arm her toddler as in and reshouldered her duffle.

“Liberty.” She sighed. “Liberty bibberty,” and they pressed onward.


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