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Back Post: On Walkabout- Sciences

Posted on Tue Jan 9th, 2024 @ 4:26pm by Lieutenant JG Jasmine Brooks & Lieutenant JG René Rouen

570 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Science Department
Timeline: MD4, 1330 hours

Rene had just finished reporting in to his immediate supervisor, Lieutenant Amara Naidoo, and decided if he were to be one of those to protect the ship, her officers and crew, it would be best to familiarize himself with the ship's layout. He had chosen a deck at random and stepped off the turbolift. He ambled through the hallway and again chose a room at random. He found himself entering a laboratory and nodded to the rooms single occupant. "Bon jour Mademoiselle." His UT on the commbadge immediately translated his native French into Federation Standard (Good day miss).

"Oh, good morning." Jasmine replied shyly. "If you're looking for the chief of the department you'll have a long wait. One hasn't been assigned yet."

René smiled as he shook his head. He stepped forward and extended his right hand towards Jasmine. "Just looking around as I conduct my first walkabout around the ship. Renè Rouen, the new Deputy Chief Security and Tactical officer. Pleasure to meet you Lieutenant...." His voice dropped off, not knowing her name to address her properly.

"Oh." She repeated feeling a tad stupid for assuming he was there for the science Chief. "Jasmine Brooks, science officer." She answered with a smile as she took his hand and gently shock it.

Rene glanced around the lab after shaking hands and settled his gaze back on Jasmine. "What is your focus? If I may inquire. I have studied some with chemistry. Professor Warren recommended chemistry might prove useful as a security officer my first year at the Academy."

"I can see why, chemistry plays a massive part in explosives and weapons." Jasmine agreed. "I specialise biotechnology but my day to day role is just general science officer." She added as she watched Rene glance around the lab.

René gestured casually at the station where Jasmine was working. "May I inquire what it is your currently working on?"

"Erm, just inventory. Nobody else is gonna do it and Commander Mercy wants a full list of what we have and need by tomorrow." Jasmine replied shyly. "You can take a look if you like, nothing exciting really."

Rene frowned slightly and picked up a PADD. "This will take you the better part of the day to finish. Perhaps if I help you can get it done by the end of watch."

"Oh, erm, no, that's fine. I don't mind working my way through it." Jasmine paused for a moment. "No offence but I want...need it done properly. Don't want a new chief coming in and already being cross with me for not getting it done correctly.'

René shrugged. "If that is what you wish. I won't take up any more of your time. Though I would recommend you bring in some enlisted laboratory technicians to help you. I wouldn't want you to have to work through dinner if you don't have to."

Jasmine smiled weakly, "If any turn up I'll put them straight to work." Brooks knew the likely hood of more science personnel would be slim to none. Most science officers had been reassigned to help with the rebuilding effort. Scientists on a starship was a luxury at the moment.

René looked thoughtful for a moment. He finally looked at Jasmine and gave her a nod. "Well, have a good day Lieutenant. Hope to see you around sometime."

"And you too, Lieutenant." She replied offering a smile small.


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