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One plus one equals chaos

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 9:36am by Zirvell Khen

563 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Random
Timeline: During the "attack"

"What was that!" Zirvell cried out as he lost his footing and crashed hard into a bulkhead. He yelped as with the next wave he cracked his ridges against the same wall. "What's going on?" He rubbed his head, grimacing visibly as he sought for the twins. "You two okay? We need to get home, fast. Or go to sickbay, isn't that the safest place on the ship?"

Oliver was helping his sister up, who looked like she had a nasty cut on her forehead. "Zirvell, over here." He called to his Cardassian peer. "Dad said never to go to sickbay in an emergency but she needs that looking at." He added pointing to her head.

"I think my arm is broken too." Adele replied weakly, the colour had drained from her face.

Zirvell inched forward, offering her a weak smile. "You look as grey as I do," he tried to teased hoping to get her mind off of her injury. Though he had no real medical knowledge, he reaches to probe her arm very gently. "We should secure your arm," he suggested, blinking heavily a few times to keep the image of her from spinning. "And head to sickbay." He looked to Oliver. "I need your help with this, I don't feel so good."

Oli glanced in both directions to see if there was anyone about to help but there wasn't. "OK, we best not hang about though. What should I do?" Oli said looking at his Cardassian peer.

Zirvell hesitated, thinking hard. "Take off your shirt. We'll use it to secure her arm as a sling. Then you'll help me take off mine and we'll wrap it around her body so she can't move it at all. I feel very dizzy Oli, I need help staying on my feet as I do this." He nodded towards the girl. "For your sister, so we can get her to sickbay."

Oliver didn't think about what Zirvell just said and took off his shirt before handing it to the Cardassian. He then stood closer to him in order to support him.

Adele winced in pain as the ship shook again, although not as badly this time.

The Cardassian worked as fast as his own condition allowed him to, using everything he remembered the CMO teaching him and the Betazoid boy. He winced as Oli helped him out of his own shirt but tried to ignore his own instability. The captain's daughter was hurt and she needed help. "How does this feel?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around her uninjured side.

"Painful." She replied through gritted teeth. "How are we going to manage this? None of us are in any shape to get to sickbay?" Adele asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"We've just got to be brave and put on step in front of the other and keep moving." Oli replied.

"Together," Zirvell added softly, while trying to get them both back to their feet. "Oli do you know the way? You are the most clearheaded one right now.." he shivered visibly, a sign that he really wasn't okay. "We need you to get us there. Keep talking too..." he hugged Adele a little closer to him in an unusual sign of affection. "Please," he added as he was well aware that the captain's son didn't like him very much.


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