Everyone Needs a Friend in Ops
Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 2:49pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Darqa & Lieutenant Chexor Vonn
1,295 words; about a 6 minute read
Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Ops Office
Timeline: Prior to Happy Day
Toareth entered the Ops Office with a slight bit of impatience in her step. She did not mean to come off as such and was still getting used to all the Starfleet protocol as opposed to her previous...assignment...if it could be called that. She stepped up to a point halfway between the door and the desk of the Bolian in charge of Operations. If anyone, hopefully she did not have to go see Security, this one would be able to help her.
The sound of the door parting grasped Chexor's attention. He looked up at the arrival to his office. A woman was stood there. She seemed... uncertain about something. "You look like you might be a little lost..." he said to her. Chex reached forward and turned off his computer. He could finish reading his reports later.
"Lost?" she asked. "No. Not lost. Just..." perturbed, upset, impatient. "...just hoping you can help me out with a request." She stepped up and took a seat. "See, I was the CMO once before, aboard the Stardancer," and to keep him from feeling like he was being lied to once he looked at her profile, "it was a cadet cruise. I was the cadet CMO. As such, I was able to link all my research and ongoing medical simulations from Sick Bay to my personal computer terminal in my quarters. I made sure I had all the security lockouts and protection, in the event someone else in my quarters attempted to break in," she explained. "Now that I am the assistant," and she said that with a slight touch of disgust in her voice, "CMO, it seems I do not have that ability; to access the medical computer from my quarters. Is that something you could perhaps help me with? "She smiled at him and added, "please."
That seemed like a reasonable request. As such, the Bolian shrugged nonchalantly. It made sense that she should have access to the records being requested, even as the assistant to the Chief Medical Officer. "It must have been an oversight," he chose to say to her. "Doctor.....?" he trailed off, hoping that he could get a name out of her.
"Oh," she realized, "Darqa. Toareth Darqa. I am good with first names. Toareth is fine." She smiled pleasantly at him. "And thank you. The research I do...I like to think of it as dear to me. I like to stay on top of it. It is an obsession of mine. I am confident you take Operations just as seriously."
Chexor tilted his head to the right slightly as he considered Toareth's comment. "Seriously... yes. As serious as you take your research.. that remains to be seen I suppose." He turned his attention to his computer and began to input some commands into the dispaly. "I'm Lieutenant Chexor Vonn by the way," he introduced at last. "What is this research that you're working on that you're so passionate about?" he wondered.
"Protein sequencing," which was true. "I am always on the hunt for undiscovered cures and breakthroughs. I know we have positronic and prosthetic limbs that we can apply to people. That practice was invaluable to the injured coming out of the war. But, I am also researching immune stimulation and regenerative enhancements to possibly regrow limbs for people injured in conflict. Um..." she was also working to recreate her notes on human longevity. She knew it was augmentation research and was illegal within the Federation. Thankfully, she learned from past mistakes and made sure no one knew of this research. She also had it encrypted to a degree that even her handler, Lynch, was unable to break into. "Things like that," she finished. "The things to help improve the quality of life for all."
"A worthy endeavour for any medical professional," Chex said with an approving nod. Considering the large number of casualties from the Dominion War, she'd certainly have no shortage of people to test her research on. He pressed a few more buttons on the display and once the necessary adjustments to Toareth's priviledges were complete, Chexor returned his attention to the El-Aurian. "I sense a prestigious Carrington Award in your future, Doctor." He smiled. "All done. You should be able to access your work from your quarters now."
Another thing Toareth wanted to keep secret; fame. The more people knew her name, the greater possibility her old deeds would come into the light for all to see. "I haven't a need for any award. Thanks for the vote of confidence though. And..." she needed, of course, to make friends. In the event her past caught up to her or her research started to leak out, she would need friends to back her up, help her out of tight spots. "...if you ever need anything," she continued, "my door is always open. Anything above and beyond Sick Bay that is."
Chexor's face lit up at the Doctor's suggestion. He was always in the need of more people. "I'm always on the lookout for aspiring performers in my productions," he told her. "Perhaps you might be interested in taking part. I'm currently in the process of choosing the first play and have narrowed it down to three options: The Humans by Stephen Karam, Machinal by Sophie Treadwell, or one of Earth's classics, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. That is unless you might have an alternate recommendation?"
This peaked Toareth's interest, but also brought a level of concern. She had acted many times before but always as a means to get the upper hand on tyrants, pirates, terrorists, and the like throughout her 80 years in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Acting as a means of performing before an audience was different but she felt she could accommodate. "Actually, I find myself a fan of Oedipus Rex. Soon after the Enterprise-Bravo rescue, an El-Aurian artist found his stride in stage direction and put on his interpretation of Oedipus Rex. The tale struck a chord with many El-Aurians. As we live a long time, sometimes families become estranged and forgotten. It is not unheard of for a male to connect with and fall in love with a female only to find out she is his mother. If you decide upon Oedipus Rex," Toareth was nodding, "then you have my support and whatever acting abilities I might possess. One condition though," and she came upon her concern finally, "I would not want this play to be recorded for video or holographic playback later." She did not want fame and she also did not want her face and likeness to be spread across space. Considering the amount of people who may have been looking for her, for revenge, she certainly did not want to give them any advantage.
The Bolian stood up and held his hands up dismissively. "Not to worry," he attempted to reassure her. "These plays are only ever performed for the crew." Although he did find himself wondering for a moment why Toareth was so apprehensive about such a possibility. Not that it mattered, considering it wouldn't happen anyway. Chexor started to walk the El-Aurian to the door. "That's settled then - I'll be in touch once I'm ready to get started," he told her.
"And I look forward to it." She said as she followed his guidance. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Whenever you need, I shall avail myself."
Toareth stepped out of the office, satisfied she had the ability to peruse her research further from the comfort of her own quarters and that she had already gotten off on a good foot with the Chief of Operations. She stepped away and back toward her quarters, confident that the foreseeable future was secured.