Coming home
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 3:45pm by Captain Lukas Fredricks & Zirvell Khen
1,122 words; about a 6 minute read
Location: Captain's quarters
Timeline: Before mission ending post
It was late, so Zirvell has returned to the captain's quarters which he still called home. He was still grateful for not being evicted from the only real home he had ever known. Bunny tucked under his arm, he padded barefoot from the bathroom back to his bedroom. Just before he stepped into bed however, he heard the telltale swoosh of the automated door. "Hello?" He called, cradling the bunny close to his chest. "Who's there?"
A shadowy figure entered the quarters. The bright light from the corridor obscured the person's face. The outline was of a male with something over his shoulder.
The boy's eyes narrowed as he inched towards the bedroom door, squinting against the light that came from the corridor. "Who are you, how did you get in here?" He demanded, trying to sound brave but feeling far from. "I'll call security....these are the captain's quarters..."
"Its a good job I'm the Captain then." The figure said as he took a couple of steps forward and the dim lighting in the quarters caught his face. "Hello Zirvell, how have you been?" He added with a small smile.
The boy's eyes widened in surprise, and he broke into a sprint, wrapping his arms around the man. "Dad!" He cried out, not even realising what he just called him. "Are you all better? Why didn't they tell me? They never told me anything, I never got sent any information. I was so scared, so worried, when they transported you away."
Lukas embraced the boy firmly. It was good to see him. "I am better now thank you. I didn't contact you as I didn't want to worry you, you were safe here and settled. I wanted you to focus on your studies." Lukas replied as he let the young man go. "How have you been?"
"Well cared for," the boy admitted. "Doctor Rouen took me in and the captain allowed me to remain here..." He looked a little anxious as he explained. "This is the only home, real home I've ever known. I didn't want to leave. But I spent all the other time with the Rouens, and the doctor allowed me to study in sickbay." He smiled uncertainly. "But you're back now right? You are back for good?"
"I look forward to hearing all about it." Lukas replied with a smile. "Yes, I'm here to stay." He said as he took a knee and moved his duffle bag off of his shoulder. "I also have some news that might interest you." He said while rummaging around his bag before pulling out a padd. "This might be of interest for you." Lukas said offering the padd to the boy.
Accepting the PADD, Zirvell glanced at it, anxiously looking between the device and his guardian. "What's this?" He asked carefully, his voice shaking, unable to look at the content for fear they might be something he wouldn't like, interest or no.
"That document officially makes me your full time guardian. It's been signed off by the Federation Council and the Cardassian Civilian Government. You've got me forever, Zirvell." Lukas said proudly.
"Really?" The boy's face lit up at the news. "Wait..full time guardian...what does that mean? Does it mean the same as before? Or..." He paused, feeling shy and uncertain again. "Are you really my dad now?" He had wanted that so badly, to be really part of a family."
"It means I'm legally responsible for you until you become an adult." Lukas explained. "You are officially my adoptive son."
"Really?" He wrapped his arms around the man again, tears of happiness streaming down his face. "I really have a home now," he sobbed, "a family. A real father..." The truth was that in the short time he'd been with the Fredriks family he had felt more like having a father, than his own father had ever been for him. "I'm happy," he cried, "I'm so happy."
Lukas smiled. He was reknowned for not being affectionate even to his own children but he knew when they needed a hug and held Zirvell tightly. "I'm happy too, as are your brother and sister."
Brother. Sister. "Where are they?" Zirvell asked slowly as he struggled to contain his tears. "Are they coming back too? Their rooms are still as they were, I haven't touched anything but the living room and my room." He pulled back a little. "Do the Rouens know yet? I've been sorting of half living with them..."
"They're back on Earth with my parents. They will be back but I'm not sure when. They will be back, my father won't have them staying for too long." He gave a small smirk. "As for the Rouens, I've not spoken to anyone but you. However, I've only been back on board for 15 minutes or so. I came straight here."
Zirvell nodded. "We should talk to them. They've been very kind to me, and I got along very well with their little girl. They even trusted me with looking after her." Another anxious look crossed his face. "Will I get to meet your parents too? Or .."He hesitated, searching for the human expression he'd read about somewhere. "Or is that a bridge too far?"
"Of course, it's getting late ship time though. There will be time." He patted Zirvell on the shoulder. "I want to thank them for looking after you while I was away."
"As for my parents, there will be time for that I'm sure. They know about you and my mother is eager to meet you."
"She is?" The surprise, once again was genuine. "She doesn't mind that I am not human?" That was still something he was getting used to, that not everyone hated who he represented.
"What's you not being a human got to do with anything? She trusts my judgement, and is keen to meet you." Lukas offered a smile. "Looks like you were going to bed, you best get some sleep."
"I'm not sure if I can sleep now," the boy admitted, "and not being human has everything to do with it. People don't trust Cardassians. It'll be years, if ever before people stop whispering."
"Well, I need to meet Captain Qa'ada in the transporter room shortly." Fredricks said. "Did you want to come along and say goodbye?"
"Yes." The avian captain has been kind to him, especially with allowing him to stay here in the captain's quarters. The least he could do is say goodbye. "Give me a minute to get dressed again," he requested, and ducked back into his room. Barely a minute later he reappeared, fully dressed. "I'm ready."
"Let's go then." Lukas replied, patting the young man on the shoulder.