Ending the Plague
Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 2:47pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Darqa & Lieutenant Amelia Fox & Lieutenant JG Jasmine Brooks
1,013 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Xachara Colony Hospital
Timeline: Current
The Britannic Away Team, comprising of Toareth, Amelia and Faith, materialized inside the office of Dr. Tukuk in the hospital of the colony on Xachara's surface. Toareth waisted no time marching to the computer workstation as the others looked around, getting their bearings.
"Computer," Toareth spoke as she started working the terminal, "locate Dr, Devereaux."
=^="Dr. Devereuax is on level 3, trauma wing, of the hospital."=^=
Toareth figured the woman was a bit too busy at the moment and decided to proceed with what she knew.
Lieutenant Brooks was keen to hear how the plague could be cured. She stayed towards the back of the group though.
Toareth was working the controls at Dr. Tukuk's computer terminal and accessed the transporter system. The lone transporter pad in his office lit up. "Again," Toareth spoke to those also in the room with her, "the criminal who escaped is not Dr. Tukuk. I found his body in the transporter buffer. Those who find themselves queasy at the sight of a corpse, gut up." The transporter sounded into life and a beam appeared. The limp and fallen body of Dr. Tukuk materialized upon the pad just as he had been when his criminal doppelganger put him into the buffer.
Amelia shifted uncomfortably but not at the sight of the body. After what had happened the last time she was planet side, she was not overly thrilled to be back.
"Computer," said Toareth, "perform a scan of this room. Can you identify the remains of Dr. Tukuk?"
It took a short moment as the computer did its thing. Then, =^="Affirmative. The remains of the deceased match all known scans of Dr. Tukuk."=^=
"Computer," Toareth continued, "under Starfleet regulation and Federation law, I, Lieutenant Toareth Darqa, Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Britannic, do hereby assume responsibility of all medical command codes of Dr. Tukuk for the medical preservation of this Federation Colony. Authorization code Darqa Lima Seven Theta Omega Five."
The computer took a moment; had to open certain secured subspace links of communication to confirm everything Toareth had said. =^="Authorization code accepted. Please provide retina scan for final approval."=^=
Toareth saw the retina scan apparatus on the terminal and looked at it intently. It performed its scan then gave a pleasant bleep of affirmation.
=^="Approved. Medical command codes of Dr. Tukuk have been successfully transferred to Dr. Toareth Darqa, Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Britannic."=^=
"Computer," she waited for the bleep, "grant co-ownership of medical command codes to Dr. Devereaux to take fully responsibility upon the time of her choosing." Toareth continued her work at the terminal while the computer gave a second pleasant bleep of affirmation. The terminal on the wall displayed everything Toareth was doing. She was accessing Dr. Tukuk's personal notes and logs, all his databases and files. "Nurse Chadwick," Toareth called out without looking up from her work. Jamie stood and announced herself. "Please see to a gurney for the remains of Dr. Tukuk," and Jamie was off as requested.
Toareth found the deleted files of Dr. Tukuk. Though she was not, professionally trained as, a specialist in the area of Ops, she immediately logged into Dr. Tukuk's administrative account and circumnavigated the operating system into the background, finding all the files that had recently been deleted, to include all the previous vaccine matrices. Toareth did not care to sift through them. With people still dying from the plague, there simply was not the time. She highlighted all the files and did a blanket undelete of them all.
"Computer, dictate a message to Dr. Devereaux to be played the next time she goes on break." She waited one second, "Dr. Devereaux, Dr Toareth Darqa, Chief Meidcal Officer, U.S.S. Britannic. We met earlier. I am sorry to inform you of the passing of Dr. Tukuk. Under Starfleet regulation and Federation law, I have taken control of Dr. Tukuk's computer and am sharing his medical command codes with you. Please take full custody of them when you can. I have located a stash of deleted vaccine matrices and have restored them all to the computer mainframe. Do locate the most recent vaccine matrix that was last used and was guaranteed to work against the illness plaguing the population of Xachara. You may therefore declare, this plague to be concluded. Computer, end dictation."
With a few button pressings, Toareth had backed out of all that she was doing, logged out and returned the computer terminal to the homescreen emblazoned with the logo of the United Federation of Planets. Standing from the desk of Dr. Tukuk, Toareth went before those present and addressed them all. "For security and investigative purposes, you all witnessed me rematerializing the remains of Dr. Tukuk from the buffer." It was at that moment that Nurse Chadwick returned with a gurney. Toareth moved to help her with the doctor's remains. "I also admit to finding him previously, in this exact state. He materialized and after a moment's inspection, I put him back into the buffer without alerting anyone. That was only a means to attempt to not spook the criminal who is still at large."
"Fox, Brooks," Toareth spoke up, "a hand please." She and Nurse Chadwick both knelt to get a hold of Dr. Tukuk's body, straightening him out in preparation to move him.
Jasmine nodded as she approached the Doctor's corpse. She grimaced a little. It was the first time she'd been so close to a dead body.
"We are doctors first," Toareth started as they hoisted the remains of Dr. Tukuk onto the gurney. "We are criminal investigators...well...somewhere down the line. We came here to end this plague. Though we would have liked to have caught our criminal, we will have to let Starfleet Security work on that."
As Nurse Chadwick was applying some restraints to keep the doctor's arms and legs from falling to the side and hanging free, Toareth addressed everyone spread about. "I declare this plague as ended. Let's help Dr. Devereaux replicate and administer vaccines to the patients in the hospital."