Personel log
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 11:52pm by Lieutenant Amelia Fox
260 words; about a 1 minute read
Location: Amelia Fox's quarters
Timeline: Current
Personal Log. Lieutenant Amelia Fox Stardate...639 6392... Computer, what's the Date?
[The stardate is 63921.9]
{Sigh} Computer, encrypt log entry. We've been here 4 weeks now and I'm still no closer to determining why. I've been trying to analyse the unusual temporal signature that I detected when we first arrived, but this goes slightly beyond my understanding of temporal mechanics and I'm unable to enlist the help of any of the crew due to the blasted temporal prime directive. I've also got to watch what I say around the crew. What's that old saying about the burden of knowledge... The Hobus supernova, The Frontier Day disaster, I can't breathe a word of it to anyone as it could alter the future. For me, those events are in the past and yet are still to happen.
Maybe I should go and talk to the ship's counsellor...
I still feel isolated from the crew.
The girls seem to be adapting to the situation better than I am, and Syvar... I'm not sure how he's handling it. I haven't told him I'm still looking into why we were sent back in time or if there is a way to reverse it. Just thinking there is another me sitting in the operations centre at Starbase 308 is enough to give me a headache. Another me... There's no mention of my Mirror Universe counterpart yet. I wonder when she arrived in our universe.
Well, I suppose I better get my head back in the here and now. And I've got to watch what I say around Toar.
End log