Reporting for Duty
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 10:16pm by Commander Naois Mercy MD & Lieutenant JG Wintrow Paragon & Captain Lukas Fredricks & Lieutenant Alvy Vithu
1,128 words; about a 6 minute read
Location: Deep Space 9
Deep Space Nine. The station had changed a little since the last time Alvy was here, when U.S.S. Scarlet had brought the surviving crew of U.S.S. Stauffenberg here following the Second Battle of Chin'toka. Back then, of course, she was busy keeping what was left of her crew together as much as possible, seeing as she had been the most senior officer to survive.
When she stepped off the runabout that had brought her to the station, Alvy glanced at the PaDD she was holding. Apparently, Britannic was to undergo a handover of command, and the new Captain would meet her at the airlock. Of course, the PaDD didn't say at which airlock. So, when nobody was there to meet her as she disembarked, she waved at a Bajoran Ensign to catch his attention.
"Welcome to DS9. How can I help, Lieutenant?"
Alvy smiled. "I am being transferred to U.S.S. Britannic, I was told she was docked here. But nobody told me at which airlock I would find the ship."
The Bajoran nodded. "No problem at all, sir. Is your luggage being taken care of?"
Alvy sighed. "Again, no idea."
With a nod, the Ensign waved someone over. "Please arrange for the Lieutenant's belongings to be taken to Britannic." He turned to Alvy. "Please, follow me, sir."
"Wait!" Wintrow ran up to the pair, wiping dark wavy hair from his eyes as he skidded to a halt. "Did you say Britannic? I'm headed there as well." He cast them a boyish smile, his dark eyes sparkling. "Wintrow," he said, holding out his hand while neglecting to add rank or family name. "I'm a pilot."
Alvy turned around to face the newcomer and briefly looked him over. He was quite a bit taller than her, and looked a little bit disheveled, as if he had run around the entire docking ring in search of the ship. She did not remember seeing him on the runabout, so he must have arrived on a different transport. The rank insignia of a Lieutenant, Junior Grade, were attached to his collar.
"Leftenant Alvy Vithu," she finally said, taking the extended hand. "Tactical and Security." While speaking to Wintrow, she almost exaggerated her slight Edinburgh accent. "I notice your accent is familiar. Glaswegian? I grew up in Edinburgh myself. Didn't expect to see another Scot on board."
"Small world," Wintrow smiled, "yes from Glasgow, but only dad was Human. Mom was Betazoid, though I didn't know that, growing up. But I always could sense feelings, since I was young but noone ever connected the dots." He smiled pleasantly. "Obviously... you have alien blood too... Vulcan?"
Alvy cursed under her breath as she realised her hair must have moved to reveal one of her pointed ears. Quickly, she brushed the stray strands back into place. "Yes," she replied with a sigh, "on my mother's side. Although I would prefer if you don't mention it to others. I don't have anything against non-humans, I would just rather not be one, you know?"
She turned to the Bajoran. "Anyway, we were going somewhere. Ensign?"
The Ensign nodded. "Of course, sir. Follow this corridor, the third docking port on your right is Britannic. Unfortunately, I need to head back to my post, but I am sure if you need help, you can easily find someone." With a nod, he headed off back in the direction they had come from.
"Well then, Leftenant," Alvy said with a smile towards Wintrow. "Shall we?"
"I've served on Britannic before, I'm sure we can find her perch," Wintrow smiled, "and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be human, its your call to make and none of anyone's business. Your secret is safe with me. And if it I just said...I'm not wholly human and didn't know until I joined Starfleet. Dad probably didn't tell me to protect me. So... security huh? This your first assignment?"
Alvy shook her head as they started walking. "I served on U.S.S. Stauffenberg during the war, until she was lost at Chin'toka round two. After that, they stuck me behind a desk at Intelligence in London, part of the backstage team, coordinating the mundane details with our wartime allies." She looked around. "Not everything was run from DS9. Still, I'm glad to be back on a ship. Being grounded felt more like a punishment than them trying to rehab me or anything."
"Sounds like it. Nothing worse than being grounded, especially for a fighter pilot. And I know how that feels like, I was grounded for a while after a bad crash." he pointed ahead. "There she is, isn't she beautiful?" He quickened his step, urging his companion along. "I can't wait to pilot her again... when the chief isn't of course." He smiled happily as they approached the dock.
And nearly collided with a tall Vulcan who seemed to be ready to depart. "Oof, sorry sir." The young man apologised as he straightened. "Lieutenant Paragon, reporting for duty," he added, handing over a PADD.
The Vulcan didn't seem so much as flustered as he took a single step back, forcing the Human girl behind him to step back as well. "Welcome back Mister Paragon," he answered as he scanned the orders, then turned to the young woman beside him, waiting patiently for her to speak.
Alvy glanced at the ship, then turned to the Vulcan, trying to remember his name from the crew manifest she had been given along with her transfer papers. "Commander Mercy, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she said, adopting a more formal tone that she felt more suited to addressing a Vulcan. "Leftenant Alvy Vithu, reporting for duty on board U.S.S. Britannic as assigned and ordered."
She reached into the worn leather travel bag that hung from her shoulder, and fished out a PADD. "My service record and transfer orders, sir," she added as she handed it over.
Again, the Vulcan commander scanned the orders and handed the PADD back to the young woman. "Welcome aboard lieutenant. The captain should be in his ready room but as you both reported in to me you may find your quarters and settle in first."
Alvy took the PADD and put it back in her bag. "Thank you, sir. I would like the opportunity to unpack. Where will I find my assigned quarters?"
"On your PADD lieutenant," Naois prompted with a not quite smile. "On your way lieutenants, I have a station to explore with my daughter."
"Yes sir," Wintrow replied, pulling Alvy along. "Let's go... before he changes his mind."