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Findings Report

Posted on Sun Dec 3rd, 2023 @ 12:01pm by Captain Lukas Fredricks & Lieutenant JG Jasmine Brooks & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins & Lieutenant JG René Rouen

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: To Catch a Thief
Location: Bridge

Captain Fredricks sat in the command chair of the Britannic. He was listening intently to what was being said over the open comm channel from the away team he's sent to investigate one of the hulks.

Everything about this mission made his skin crawl. Just being back at Chin'toka was bad enough but the hulks and debris which was in the system made it feel even more eerie. Then add into the mix that someone was lurking in the system and stealing allied technology just made him feel physically sick.

The turbolift door slid open with a hiss and Lieutenant's Brooks and Hawkins emerged. Jasmine gave the bridge a quick look around to see where the Captain was. When she found him, she headed for the centre of the Bridge.

"Captain Fredricks, we think we've found something." Brooks stated before looking at the Engineer.

Faith nodded. "Yes, we have." began the engineer. "Lieutenant Brooks and I have uncovered a number of warp trails across the field, or should I say, the same vessel has been here multiple times. It always arrives and departs from the same point, which indicates it's probably taking the same route each time, and wherever the point of origin is," she said, pausing, "is probably where the stolen technology is processed before being sold."

"Or at least passed to a different part of production line." Brooks added with a small smile.

The Captain nodded, this news was indeed a step in the right direction. "I'm assuming that the warp trails are probably random and have no visible order to them?"

"They seem to be random, sir." Brooks said as she passed their findings to the Captain for him to look at.

Fredricks took the offered padd and thumbed through its contents. "Seems like they have been prolific in the system in recent months. Makes me wonder what they've harvesting from these hulks." He commented.

"Anything that isn't tied down or is easy to remove, like phasers, medical supplies, antimatter, deuterium, warp coils. They all have high resale value." said Faith. "It does make me wonder what they want with a deflector dish though." she concluded. No, Faith really couldn't put her finger on that.

"Any Federation technology is considered valuable. If it can be converted to use on another ship someone will." Fredricks replied. "Which is worrying if the technologies aren't capable."

"It could be a fatal mistake." Brooks said with a shake of her head.

"Captain, I'm picking a quantum build up coming from the far side of the system. Looks like it's coming from a D'deridex class. Looks like there quantum singularity drive is going critical." Replied the junior ops officer.

René checked his tactical sensor readings. "Confirmed Captain." His gaze tracked down to the screen again as a second blip winked on. It disappeared a moment later only to appear again. "Sir, second contact. It keeps appearing and disappearing, probably do to the debris field. Trying to establish a better scan to determine type and classification."

"Try and get what information you can on that ship, Mr Rouen." The Captain said wondering who was playing with a Romulan quantum singularity drive.

René focused scans on the second contact. Very little of the data made sense to him. "Contact appears to be a Starfleet shuttlecraft or...possibly a runabout, but it's not a design I have ever seen before. There is also some strange radiation signature, but it isn't coming from the vessel directly. It's sort of surrounding the vessel." He glanced over to Jasmine at the science console. "Brooks can your sensors identify the type of radiation?"

Jasmine had quickly taken the science station as the commotion unfolded. "Checking!" She called out as she activated her scanners. "Captain, this is very unusual, im picking chroniton particles."

"Sir, the Quantum Singularity drive is going critical." Called out the officer at ops.

"Britannic to away team, a D'deridex warbirds quantum singularity drive is about to go critical. Seek cover where you can!"

René cast a glance at Captain Fredricks. "It's unclear if the small vessel's shields can protect it from the explosion. If we can get a clear line of sight between us, I think I can bring her aboard with tractor beams."

"No time, Lieutenant. Raise the shields. All hands, brace for impact."

Just as the shields activated a light blinked on the viewscreen. Moments later the shockwave could be seen travelling towards them pushing all the debris and hulks away. Moment later Britannic was and everything went dark.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) on Tue Dec 5th, 2023 @ 10:40pm

I like how this one turned out. It leaves the rest of us with plenty to work and build on.