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Here we are......Again?

Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 10:20pm by Captain Lukas Fredricks & Commander Naois Mercy MD & Lieutenant Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens

1,139 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: To Catch a Thief
Location: An escape pod, somewhere...


Amelia's eyes slowly flickered open. Where.... where was she? The last thing she remembered was being on the bridge of the Andromeda, the stardrive section destroyed, the saucer section crashing on a planet..... Then blackness... Then... here...

But where was here?

As her vision came into focus, she could tell she was in an escape pod. Slowly she looked to her left and to her surprise, Syvar was sitting slumped in the seat next to her. Across from them, she saw their two girls strapped in, also unconscious.

So many questions came to her at once. What happened to the Andromeda? The crew? How did she get into an escape pod from the bridge? How did Syvar and the girls get here?

The instrument panel gave her a pretty bleak readout. The escape pod was running on reserve power only, with no engines, and no sensors. She could not tell where they were but it was a safe bet it was not where she was a moment ago as from the front windows all she could see was deep space.

The pod's life support was also starting to falter. Wherever they were, they would not be there very long.

She activated the short-range emergency transponder and sat back. There was nothing else that could be done.

She reached out and took Syvar's hand and gently squeezed it.

The Vulcan moaned under his breath as he returned to consciousness. "What happened?" He whispered as he brought up a hand to touch his head. The last thing he remembered was assisting with evacuations then transporting himself and his family to the last remaining pod, then... nothing. "Are you alright?" He closed his eyes as he tried to turn around. "The girls?"

"I'm fine. The girls are here." She reached beneath her seat where she knew there was an emergency supply kit that included water and a med kit.

She handed the water to Syvar and opening the medical tricorder, scanned the girls.

"They're fine... they're just sleeping and...." she frowned. An odd reading, she couldn't identify. Some kind of temporal discrepancy. She scanned Syvar and herself... the same odd reading. She made a mental note of it. For now, It wasn't important.

She spoke softly so as to not wake the girls. "I don't know where we are or how we got here. The last thing I remember was I was on the bridge. The saucer section was about to impact the surface of that planet and then.... nothing. I just woke up here. The pod is damaged. We have about 30 minutes of life support left. I've sent out the emergency beacon but the external sensors are off-line."

"I transported you here," Syvar answered as he spotted two more people inside the pod. He moved unsteadily, feeling very lightheaded as he knelt beside Cassie, gently tapping her cheek with the back of his hand. "Lieutenant Higgins, please wake up," he insisted, then looked towards the Bajoran. "Lieutenant Ren wake up, I need you to pilot this contraption."

Ren slowly opened his eyes, confused for a few seconds. "Where am I?"

"You're in an escape pod Lieutenant Ren. That's as much as I can tell you at the moment. The external sensors are offline."

Ren slowly hauled himself to his feet and gave his head a little shake. He then made his way to the pilot's seat. He started to try and make some sense of what was happening.

Amelia came up next to Syvar to scan Cassie and Ren. They both scanned as ok..... But there was still that anomalous reading...

"There is a medical kit and some rations but that's about it," Amelia told them. "It looks like the pod has been damaged, the engines, sensors.... But I can't find an engineering kit anywhere." She lowered her voice. "It looks like life support has been damaged.

She turned to Cassie. "You both check out ok. How are you feeling?"

"The baby?" Cassie shot back almost instantly, a hand dropping to her stomach. All thought about feeling groggy and having just woken up from god knows what had evaporated quickly.

Amelia held the tricorder close to Cassie, then let out a sigh of relief. "The baby looks fine as far as I can tell but you should probably have a medic have a look when we're picked up, just to be safe."

"Thank you!" Cassie stammered but reaching out for Amelia's hand at the same time. She needed stability, her head still foggy after what had happened. She could remember the insane ramblings of a Son'a woman over the open comms, a massive vessel baring down on Andromeda and the battle commencing but after that, it was all hazy, like a half remembered dream.

Now was not the time though to start recounting what was. She needed to focus on the now and help the other evacuees.

Amelia had to grab hold of Cassie's chair and the pod rocked. Amelia crained her neck to try and see out of the top of the viewport.

"A tractor beam! Looks Starfleet. Can't see a ship yet..."

The jolt of the tractor beam caused Syvar, who had gotten to his feet to reach up for the medkit, to lose his balance and hit is head hard. The medkit dropped from his hand as he fell back into a seat and cradled his head in his hands in an attempt to keep the room from spinning. "I feel sick," he complained.

Amelia came over to him. "Easy there, you might have a concussion. Honestly, I turn my back for one moment." She added gently with a smile as she ran the tricorder over his head. "Well, the good news is we won't have to amputate." She added as she retrieved a hypospray from the med kit and carefully injected Syvar in the neck. "This should help with the dizziness and sickness. Tell me if it gets any worse. Should probably have a doc check you out as well."

"I am a doctor," the Vulcan grunted, "however much use I am right now. Please, check on the girls, I'll tend to Lieutenant Higgins when I get my bearings a little." He closed his eyes. "Perhaps, she could come to me instead?"

"Yes you are but right now you're not in the best shape and you need to rest," Amelia reassured him. "Cassie is stable, she can wait. I'm ok and the girls are ok." She looked up again out of the port, her gaze following the tractor beam back to its origin. "And it looks like we're about to be rescued. I can see a Nebula class starship. I can't make out the name, but it's definitely Starfleet. Everything's going to be ok."

What Amelia did not realise is that this was just beginning...



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