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Posted on Mon Jan 22nd, 2024 @ 10:20pm by Captain Lukas Fredricks & Lieutenant JG Jasmine Brooks & Commander Peeq Elyro MD & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins & Lieutenant JG René Rouen & Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa)

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: To Catch a Thief
Location: Bridge

René had fallen to the deck. He groaned as he tried to pick himself up from the floor. He paused to steady himself against the tactical console.

Lukas slowly pulled himself up from the deck. His head felt like a shuttle craft has landed on it. He touched his forehead and felt a gash that was bleeding. He looked around the bridge seeing many of his crew in similar situation. "Sickbay, we need medical assistance on the bridge." He called out.

"Understood, Captain. We are reviewing the situation now. I will get someone there as soon as I can."

René began to work on bringing his tactical sensors back on line. He started to look around at the others as the system rebooted. He noticed the gash on the Captain's forehead. He came around to the command pit. "You're bleeding sir."

"I'll be alright, Lieutenant. Check the others." Fredricks said as he used his chair to pull himself up.

Faith had just about managed to stay on her feet, her console coming to her rescue. Most hadn't, some were injured. Others just shaken. Faith tended to the nearest injured crewman. Then, she tapped her commbadge. =A="Hawkins to engineering, damage report."=A=

"We're still assessing the situation, Lieutenant." Came the voice of an Engineer. "Seems we have a debris lodged in the saucer section. It looks like a fragment of a Galaxy Class saucer section. That's going to take some time to sort out. Main power is off line but backups are operating as they should. As I said Lieutenant, we're still assessing."

René spent a moment assisting others back to their feet. "Lieutenant Brooks, are you injured?" He gave Jasmine a quick look over, checking for any signs of injury as he helped her to her feet at the science console.

Jasmine felt awful, she felt all the colour had drained from her face but she didn’t think she was hurt. She slowly shook her head. "I think I'm OK, thank you." She said slowly.

René helped Jasmine sit down at her station and immediately began to reboot her terminal as well. He took a few steps and found his own console had come back online. He tapped commands in and reviewed the data scrolling across his screen. "We are 40% for shields. Phasers look to be down, but the torpedo launchers are still functional. Residual energy from the explosion should wane momentarily and we'll have a better look in a minute."

"It's okay, you're going to be fine. Help is on the way." said Faith, wanting to get back to her console. Her ship was wounded. She wanted to know how, and now. With one hand, she reassured the injured crewman. The other, flew across her console. "We've lost main power on Decks 7 through 16. Turbolifts, transporters and warp drive are all offline. Repair teams have been dispatched." reported Faith, anxiety beginning to creep in. Turbolifts were bad enough. Jeffries tubes were even worse. Now, she was going to have to crawl through them until the turbolifts were restored. Panic almost set in, but Faith was determined not to let it. Not now, anyway.

"Can anyone contact or get a reading on the away team?" Fredricks asked, still trying to orientate himself.

Brooks started tapping at her console. "I detecting minimal life signs on the hulk the away where investigating. I can't get an exact fix on how many life signs there are." She reported groggily.

Rene raised an eyebrow as he reviewed the data on his own console. "Captain, we are picking up two distress signals. One is from the small craft that was fleeing the Romulan warbird. The second appears to be an escape pod of Starfleet design."

"What?!" Questioned Fredricks, harsher than he intended be was surprised by a Federation escape pod. "Is there life signs on the escape pod?"

René adjusted his scan parameters. "Multiple life signs. Residual radiation particles are making it impossible to determine exactly what species."

"Lieutenant Hawkins, do we have thrusters or impulse to get to the escape pod?"

Faith confirmed, after checking, subwarp propulsion was functional. Barely. "I can give you full thrusters, or half impulse."

The turbolift doors slid open and Doctor Peeq Elyro stepped out onto the Bridge of the Britannic. Holding a medical kit to his side, the Edosian studied the room quickly. "Charming," he mumbled as he saw the surroundings.

"How can I help?"

René glanced at the Doctor and gestured to the Captain. "Captain has a laceration to his head."

"I'll be fine, Doctor, check everyone else." Fredricks said dismissing his own injury. "Lieutenant Brooks doesn't look too well."

"Normally I would agree, but battlefield triage is still an order of the day, Captain," the Edosian said as he grabbed the dermal regenerator from his medkit and began running it over the Captain's head, the regenerative energy field repairing the laceration.

"Thank you, Doctor." Fredricks said, unimpressed with the Doctors blatant ignorance of his order. "Right, Lieutenant Rouen, take a shuttle with medical support and retrieve the away team from that hulk. While you do that, Britannic will go and retrieve the escape pod."

René stepped away from the primary tactical station. "Aye Captain." He tapped his commbadge as he crossed the bridge to the turbolift. "Sickbay, Lieutenant Rouen. Medical team needed in the main shuttlebay for search and rescue mission."

=^="Understood," returned Toareth's voice. "Nurse, the worst has passed. Finish up here. Kez, you are with me." - "Mama." - "Stay here sweetie. Stay in the office with your toys. Bridge, on my way."=^=

The Edosian had no doubt that the Captain wouldn't have liked his decision, but Starfleet Medical Protocols were hard to break especially in this day and age. Ever since the war the default was to get those back to the frontline as possible, today was no different.

Fredricks watched Lieutenant Rouen head toward the ship's turbolift door and disappear inside. He slowly turned his attention to the viewscreen again. "Once their shuttle is clear, head for that escape pod and get it on board."


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