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Equal Assistance

Posted on Sun Jun 11th, 2023 @ 8:41pm by Commander Naois Mercy MD & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins

1,032 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prelude: Getting Ready to Depart
Location: Bridge

Her reinforcements now all present, the jobs on the to do list grew smaller by the day. Perhaps this last 5% of tasks to complete wasn't going to take 95% of the time. 90%, maybe. Still, progress was progress and the team was gelling well. So far.

The turbolift whirring slowed, stopped. The doors opened with a hiss. Faith hated turbolifts, especially if she had to share one. She stepped out of the lift, then walked up to Naois. He was several inches, nearly a foot, taller. Imposing.

"Commander." said Faith. She had a PADD in her hand. "Lieutenant Hawkins, Chief Engineer. Latest status report from engineering, as requested." She offered the PADD to Naois.

The Vulcan first officer accepted the PADD. "Thank you lieutenant. Are you settling well into engineering? Your predecessor did not ... Mess things up too badly I hope?"

To her surprise, Faith's predecessor hadn't left things in too bad order. Apart from being undermanned, but that was now sorted. Thankfully. "More or less." began Faith. "Things would have been easier if they didn't take half of the department with them. Obviously, they knew recruiting experienced staff is difficult. But they didn't leave a total mess behind. People knew what they were doing before I got here."

"Look at it from a positive... you get to replenish your staff with people of your choice. Beyond experienced, I also recommend looking at fresh graduates. They still have a lot of room to be molded " the Vulcan almost smiled, though his blue eyes definitely showed a sense of mirth.

"We all have to start somewhere, Commander. I was in their shoes only a few years ago."

Choosing her own staff was definitely a positive. Faith had recruited heavily from the Academy. Those she had recruited had, so far, proven it wasn't a bad thing. They were keen, hard working. They knew what Faith expected of them, but hadn't needed reminding.

"It's a good opportunity for them to prove what they're made of by putting a Nebula class starship back together." she concluded. Already, Faith was almost proud of her new, fledgling team. Almost.

"Do you have any concerns?" The first officer asked, "anything or anyone needing to be kept an eye on?"

Faith shook her head. None, so far. Nobody in her domain had issues following instructions. Nothing, nobody outside of it was giving her cause for concern. Again, so far. "Right now, Commander..." she began, briefly casting her gaze on the Engineering console. "No. No issues to report."

"Very well..." He gave her a minute nod. "Carry on lieutenant."

She wasn't sure whether this was the right place. They were in a professional setting, but Naois filled another role on Britannic. One Faith felt might be useful. Only might. But, it was worth a try.

"Actually, there is one thing. It's in more of a personal capacity, though." said Faith. She lowered her voice. This wasn't for the ears of anyone else. Faith barely knew this man. But, he could make a difference to her life. Only one way to find out, Faith thought.

"I'd like to request your assistance with my...claustrophobia. It makes aspects of my job, my life, difficult."

The Vulcan nodded quietly. "I can certainly help you with that," he answered, "once you are settled here and feel comfortable in making an appointment. I daresay, you probably have too much going on right now?" He offered the faintest of smile. "Just let me know when, and I will make myself available to you."

That was a relief, thought Faith. She'd been apprehensive of asking. Now, she realised she didn't have to be. Claustrophobia had taken over Faith's life three years ago. She feared turbolifts, repairs in Jefferies tubes. The resultant panic attacks were unpleasant. Faith couldn't carry it around any more. "Thank you, Commander."

"Things have been a bit hectic." she replied. It was a start. Faith was proud of herself. "Perhaps when things are settled in Engineering, I will book that appointment."

Naois nodded, then seemed to think of something else. "Lieutenant, how well versed are you in bio-engineering?"

"It's a particular interest of mine, Commander." replied Faith. "I have some experience, with a forearm for a crewmate who lost theirs several months ago."

"Interesting...." The Vulcan approached her again, when he'd actually been about to walk off. "Then you should know I have an artificial right hand." He held it our for her to see if she chose. "It does need occasional maintenance but otherwise it is not much of a bother." Apart from the occasional nerve pain.

Faith nodded, examining Naois' hand. Coincidentally, the same 'side' as the forearm she developed. After counselling, the recipient adapted to the limb quickly. "How long have you had it, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Contrary to the belief that Vulcans remember exactly, I am actually not entirely certain," Naois admitted, "it was a very traumatic experience for me, so my memory is clouded. At least a year though. I do still experience phantom pain at times. Fortunately though, this looks very much like the real thing, so I am not often reminded. Only when it malfunctions or is damaged."

Perhaps not the best question to ask, Faith considered. Hindsight was always 20/20. Her interest in bio engineering sometimes overruled her judgement. "Of course, I apologise." she began, her eyes briefly glancing over to the engineering station.

Her attention turned back to Naois. It now appeared he, Faith could help each other. "I'm here if my services are required."

"Do not apologize for something you could not have been aware of," he told her kindly. "if I encounter issues, I will come to find you, as you know where to find me if you need to talk." He nodded towards her station. "I will leave you to your duties now."

Faith nodded back, grateful for Naois' understanding. She made a mental note to speak to him in a week or so, once things had settled. Ensign Castillo was manning the Engineering station, so Faith decided to leave her to it. She was new, needed to learn the ropes. It was back to Engineering, in the damned turbolift. "Thank you, Commander."


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