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Missing Something

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 5:28pm by Lieutenant JG René Rouen & Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) & Staff Warrant Officer Bradford Keselowski & Gabrielle Rouen

2,191 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Fortuna
Location: Rouen Quarters
Timeline: Same Day After "Approving temporary guardianship"

Toareth was in the main living area of the family quarters, looking about the place and thinking. Gabrielle was in her room audibly playing with something and singing along to whatever was producing the rhythm whose bass eased through the door but not enough for Toareth to make out the beat. For the moment thought, that did not matter. She had some information for her husband who was about to come off duty very soon and return home.

Toareth started picking up the place as she continued to dwell on her thoughts.

René entered and saw Toareth picking up Gabrielle's toys in the living room. He joined her in cleaning after a brief kiss on her cheek. "How are you my love?"

"A bit...uneasy," she found an adequate word. She straightened and flexed her back as René likewise stood with a questioningly expression about his face. "I met with Captain Qa'ada in the captain's quarters. We met there to see Zirvell. He's the Cardassian teenager who has..." her words trailed off as René nodded his understanding. "Well, I thought we were meeting there to tell Zirvell he was going to have to move quarters, move in with us perhaps, something like that. Qa'ada made the suggestion that we; you, me and Gabrielle, all move into the captain's quarters." Toareth's words stopped. She did not know whether to smile or not, be excited or concerned, happy or anxious.

René was surprised by the offer to move to the Captain's quarters for the duration of the former CO'S temporary duty assignment. He thought about Zirvell's situation for a moment before nodding. "I remember his reaction at the Change of Command ceremony. Keeping him in a familiar environment would alleviate unnecessary stress for the lad.

"I suppose we can keep our quarters here on standby seeing as this move will only be temporary for when the captain is well enough to resume command. This will put us both closer to the Bridge nonetheless."

René smiled. "It would, but your usually in Sickbay. I wouldn't want to be late for a shift because you had a few extra decks to travel on the turbolift."

Toareth gave a chuckle. "That would only add...what...a minute to travel time. And from the Captain's Quarters, we could probably request site to site transports." She dumped a small armful of toys into a toy basket and stood before her husband, standing straight and giving her back a break.

René pulled Toareth into an embrace and gave her a light kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes. "You stepping up to help Zirvell is an extraordinarily kind gesture. You remind me daily of why I am lucky to be married to you."

"Oh, you," she said. "Keep up with this flattery and I might, one day, begin to believe it." She kissed him back. "I am the one with all the luck."

Right as she was beginning to actually believe in this little thing called 'luck' a small pinch erupted in her head, behind her right eye. "Speaking of such," she continued and pointed to her head and she fell back a step or two, "migraine. Will only be a moment."

René's expression was that of deep concern. He couldn't shake the feeling, despite the frequent bouts every day or so. He felt helpless, not being able to do anything besides steady her or help her to sit and bring her a glass of water afterwards as he did now.

"One day," she began, "these things are going to," and the word, "eeennnddd," came out more as a painful exclamation. That pinch in her head exploded into a deafening ringing in her ears and a pain that sent her dizzingly to the floor.

"Category 5 definitely," she mouthed the words but did not know if actual words emanated from her lips. Her ear failed her and the pain covered up any sensation of utilizing her vocal chords. In that moment, the only thing dominating her existence was that singular migraine.

René dropped to the floor next to Toar and gently caressed her face. This was obviously one of her more severe episodes. He tapped his commbadge and requested immediate medical assistance.

"On my way," came Keselowski's voice. "Category 5 I take it," and Rene's commbadge went silent.

"Mama," came Gabrielle's voice from within her room. The door slid open and she bolted from her room with Flotter was secure in her arms. "Mama! Dada, mama is hurting." Dropping Flotter, Gabrielle stood by her Dada, with her arms stretched up toward him.

René recalled an episode a few weeks prior and how it abruptly ended after Gabrielle had hugged her mama. He guided Gabrielle's hands to Toareth's face. "Mommy needs your help little one."

Toareth was on her back, eyes wide and becoming bloodshot. Those eyes did not look anywhere in particular just up. Toareth's vision had become blinded behind a veil of red hot pain. She squeezed her eyes shut and grunted, even as Gabrielle attempted to comfort her mother.

"Dada," Gabrielle turned to Rene after seeing her attempts were of no use. "Mama will be alwight. She always is. She has to be. Dada." And Gabrielle was grabbing at Rene's shirt, pulling him closer.

René wished he could believe Gabrielle, but this was the most severe episode he had ever witnessed. He took a deep breath and tried not to panic.

Gabrielle leaned in on her father's ear and whispered. "Mama is missing something."

René looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes. He pulled both his wife and daughter cheek to cheek with him. "Do you know what little one? Whatever it is, I will get it. Please just tell me."

Gabrielle only look at him wide-eyed. Of course, she didn't know, not on a conscious level. But somehow, she knew something was off...or missing, through some kind of awareness springing from her El-Aurian genes.

The door chimed and opened automatically with Keselowski rushing in. By this time, Toareth was on the floor, lying still. She was no longer grunting or squirming about. Kez knelt down beside her. "Rene, Gabrielle," he regarded the pair in turn. "Let's see what we have here," and he started scanning her head with a medical tricorder.

Toareth was quick to swipe the scanning wand away and add, "get that thing away from me."

"Oh, you can see me?' he asked.

"No, I just know you're there."

"You can hear at least. What was that? A Cat 5?" He offered her a hand.

"Seems like it." Toareth took his offered hand and sat up. "Vision returning."

"And the migraine?"

"Easing off."

As Toareth scooted herself to lean against the sofa, Keselowski stood and turned to Rene. "Based on her own orders, Toareth is to rest the remainder of the day and for nothing less than 12 hours. No heavy lifting or strenuous activity. Provide her with plenty of water. None of that El-Aur tea that she likes to drink. Nothing but water. And no screens. If she wants to read something, give her a book."

"You know I can hear you now," she said. "I know all this."

"But are you going to tell Rene here?" Keselowski responded. He returned his attention to Rene. "Perform a scan if you like, but you won't find any damage or injury. All I can do is log this in her database. Primary, my presence here was to make sure she did not hurt herself in some way. I need to get back to Sick Bay. Do take care of your wife, sir."

René sighed. He wished he could actually care for Toareth, but moments like the one they'd just had proved he could only provide comfort in the aftermath. "I will do my best." He saw Keselowski to the door.

"Mama," said Gabrielle as she wrapped her arms around Toareth as best as she could.

"Mama is alright now Dearheart," she said. "I see you dropped Flotter."

"Mmmhhhmmm. He told me to leave him behind and wescue you."

"Well that is very brave of him. Go get him and let him know you did good. Run along and play."

"Ok, Mama. You will be alwight now? Pwomise?"

"You know these headaches I get..."

"...Evwy tirty houws."

"That's right. About every thirty hours. And the next one will not be as bad."

As Gabrielle ran off to play more, Toareth relaxed herself on the floor leaning against the sofa as Rene returned. "Gabby was not too distraught I hope. I heard you speaking to her. Could not make out the words though. What all did she say...did you say back to her?"

René tried to remember Gabrielle's exact words and his own response. Everything had happened so fast. "She said something was missing. Something you needed and I asked her if she knew what it was. She didn't know then Keselowski showed up as you were coming out of the episode. I...was just so scared of losing you." He looked around and shook his head. "I half expect Lynch to come walking through the front door or the door to the lavatory right now."

"Oh Lynch won't be doing that any time soon. He is busy looking into..." Wait. "Wait...Gabrielle said something was missing? Something I needed? Did she actually say I was missing something?"

René took a deep, calming breath as he recalled exactly what Gabrielle had said. "She said you were hurting, that you would get better, you always do. She's whispered in my ear 'mama is missing something. She couldn't tell me what though. Keselowski then showed up as you were coming out of it."

Toareth only looked at her husband with disbelieving eyes. She had also suddenly become a mouth breather. Automatically, she started hoisting herself up to actually sit upon the sofa. She submitted to Rene's help.

"I never told anyone that, to include you," she said. "I think I mentioned this, I know I mentioned this, at least I hope I did mention this, to you, but, if not...I certainly apologize. But, you see, I had grown so tired of medical professionals and others having absolutely no idea for the cause of my migraines. I heard it made mention that there was this religious leader on Trillius Prime, this High Priest, who came highly recommend to about anyone and everyone who sought answers. Of course you know, I have no stomach for...had no stomach for the religious or spirituality and the like. But I decided to give this guy a try." Toareth rolled her eyes with, "It took three months of being on the waiting list to finally have a five-minute audience with him. I expected nothing but religious riddles in return...and that is what I got; religious riddles."

Toraeth say back and started into her tale of her trip to Trillius Prime and meeting the High Priest of the Path of T'Ril.

[NOTE: Please review Non Answers]

After that detailed explanation, Toareth about as exhausted from telling the story as she had been experiencing it firsthand, said, "He told me that I was missing something. That is it. I was missing something. No guidance on how to find it or where to look or any hint on what it was. Just that I was missing it. I brushed him off as some religious nutjob and never thought about what he said. 'You are missing something.' But now," and she motioned with her head toward Gabrielle's room, "our daughter tells you that I am missing something." Toareth was shaking her head with the thought that Gabrielle could not have possibly known that unless if it was through some special means.

René shook his head as he sat on the sofa next to Toareth. "This is the first I've heard of you...visiting a religious leader of any kind." He gently rubbed her neck to help alieve any lingering tension from the migraine. It was a significant moment. He was a deeply religious person and devote Roman Catholic. "When were you on Trill?"

Toareth breathed as she felt Rene's hand on her neck. "It was about 30, 40 years ago as the Earth revolves. The High Priest was...oh you can never tell with the Trill. He may be long dead or may still be kicking it about in that temple. I doubt you will get much out of him. Though, it may still take 3 months just to get an audience with him for 5 minutes. Probably a dead end and not worth the effort," she said with an air about her voice as to indicate absolutely zero interest into attempting to make contact with the High Priest again.

René was not particularly bothered by Toareth's lack of faith in a deity. He had always felt such matters were a matter of personal choice. 'We will figure it out, Just know I am here for you no matter what."

"Of that," she said looking into his eyes, "I have no doubt."


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