Welcome to the USS Britannic!

The Dominion war has come to an end. Billions of casualties on both sides. The Federation has begun to rebuild what the Dominion destroyed, however, millions of people on either side face a new battle. A battle for life itself.

The USS Britannic fought through the war, serving Allied forces in all of the major actions of the war. It's tactical pod proving the Nebula Class vessel with the equipment needed to survive to fight another day.

Now, it was redundant. The Britannic wasn’t needed to fight, it was needed to heal. After a small refit, her tactical pod was replaced with a Medical Pod, to help those in need.

Captain Lukas Fredricks, who commanded her through the war, must now command her through peace time and help heal both friends and old enemies.

RPG Rating 3 2 3

Latest News Items

» Congrats on 1 Year of Service!

Posted on Sun Apr 21st, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Captain Qa'ada MD in General News


I would like to take a moment to congratulate these amazing writers on 1 year with the Britannic!

Captain Lukas Fredricks
Commander Naois Mercy MD
Lieutenant Chexor Vonn
Lieutenant Faith Hawkins
Lieutenant Kod'ar

Thank you for going boldly with us!


» Testing

Posted on Sun Apr 23rd, 2023 @ 8:41pm by Lieutenant Kod'ar in General News


Latest Mission Posts

» Getting up to speed

Mission: Fortuna
Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 1:23pm by Captain Qa'ada MD & Lieutenant Amelia Fox


Now the pomp and ceremony were over and things onboard had sort of returned to normal, Amelia thought it would be best to fill the new Captain in on... her and her group's situation.

She had no idea how much Captain Fredericks had told Captain Qa'ada but he had…

» Up up and away

Mission: Fortuna
Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) & Commander Naois Mercy MD & Lieutenant Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins & Lieutenant JG Jasmine Brooks

Naois waited next to the shuttle, watching as his team arrived. Would the chief medical officer bring the equipment the captain had mentioned, he wondered. EV suits were indeed cumbersome, but how safe would a kind of forcefield be? And how would it allow them to breathe?

Brooks made her…

» Approving temporary guardianship

Mission: Fortuna
Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 11:23pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) & Captain Qa'ada MD & Zirvell Khen

After the ceremony that installed the new captain, and had abruptly transferred his mentor, Zirvell had rushed home. His own home, not the one Doctor Rouen had offered to him. He did need someone to turn to, an adult who was responsible for him because of his age. But surely,…

» Dinner With the Rouens

Mission: Fortuna
Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 11:20pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) & Gabrielle Rouen & Lieutenant Faith Hawkins & Lieutenant JG René Rouen & Zirvell Khen

Toareth was in the lavatory. Lynch had always called it the latrine, which was where Gabrielle got the word she liked to use. Of course, Rene had to be different and called it the fresher. Regardless, it was what it was and it was currently occupied by two; Toareth and…

» Larger than Life

Mission: Fortuna
Posted on Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant JG Toareth Rouen (née Darqa) & Captain Qa'ada MD & Commander Naois Mercy MD & Lieutenant JG René Rouen & Ensign Willa Baker

Planetary Information:

The planet Xachara, is an O-Class planet in a thinly populated solar system with only six other planets. Xachara is about 1.75 times larger than Earth and its gravity is about .93 times that of Earth. A single day lasts 28.00 hours and a year lasts 154 days.…